1. 确认条款
该条款是表示承运人在货物或者集装箱外表状况良好的条件下接受货物或 集装箱,并同意承担按照提单所列条款将货物或集装箱从装货港运往卸货港或 交货地,把货物交给收货人的责任条款,该条款的措辞通常为:“Received in apparent good order and condition except as otherwise noted the total number of containers or other packages or units enumerated below for transportation from the place of receipt to the place of delivery subject to the terms and conditions hereof.
2. 不知条款
该条款是承运人表示没有适当的方法对所接受的货物或集装箱进行检査, 所有货物的重量、尺码、标志、品质等都由托运人提供,并不承担责任的条 款。但是,不知条款不一定有效。在一些提单中不知条款经常和确认条款合并 在一起写。该条款的英文措辞通常为:"Weight, measure, marks, numbers, quality, contents and valiae i£ mentioned in this Bill of Lading are to be considered unknown unless the contrary has been expressly acknowledged and agreed to. The signing o£ this Bill of Lading is not to be considered as such an agreement. "
该条款是承运人表示承认提单是运输合同成立的证明,承诺按照提单条款 的规定承担义务和享受权利,而且也要求货主承诺接受提单条款制约的条款。 由于提单条款是承运人单方面拟定的,该条款为表明货主接受提单也就接受了 提单条款的制约,所以该条款也称代拟定条款。该条款的英文措辞通常为: “On presentation of this Bill of Lading duly endorsed to the Carrier by or on behalf of the Holder of the Bill of Lading, the rights and liabilities arising in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof shall, without prejudice to any rule of common law or statute rendering them binding on the Merchant, become binding in all respects between the Carrier and the holder of the Bill of Lading as though the contract evidenced hereby had been made between them."
该条款是承运人表明签发提单的份数,各份提单具有相同的效力,其中一 份完成提货后,其余各份自行失效,提取货物必须交岀经背书的一份提单以换 取货物或提货单的条款。该条款的英文措辞通常为:"One original Bill of Lading must be surrendered duly endorsed in exchange for the goods or delivery order. In witness whereof the number of original Bill of Lading stated under have been signed, all of this tenor and date, one of which being accomplished, the other (s) to stand void. ”