Types of Ship【悟空海运】
According to different kinds of shipping goods, ships can be divided into two broad categories: dry cargo ship and liquid cargo ship.
The first kind of dry cargo ship mainly has the following kinds:
General cargo ship is mainly used to transport a variety of packaging products goods and nude cargo, in which the ship takes general cargo shipment as the main business.
Bulk cargo ships also known as dry bulk ships for transporting powder, granular, block ( such as coal, grain, sand, etc. ) without packing bulk vessels.
Container ships also called the lifting type container ship, which are frequently adopted for lifting equipment in the shore to vertical loading and unloading of containers. Container ships can be divided into the partial container ships, convertible container ship and full container ship. Partial container ships refers to those setting container shipping space in specific areas, and other space still has been remained fbr ordinary pieces of miscellaneous goods. Convertible container ships refers to the ones which the cargo container's structure is removable, ready fbr being modified at any time fbr general cargo shipment. Full container ship is dedicated to the loading container cargo ship, which is the main force of the current shipping market.
Refrigerated ship refers to the ship equipped with refrigeration system, specifically designed to transport, in which the good need to freeze to be kept perishable. Refrigerated ships have multiple closed, independent cargo space, bulkhead and doors used with insulation materials, so that cargo can be loaded in different temperature requirements.
Timber ship is dedicated to transport wood or log. This kind of ship have large hatch and no beams. The cabin and deck can be used to load wood.
Roll on/roll off ship ( RO/RO) refers to the specialized ship for transporting cars and containers.
Barge is known as the lash, for which loaded goods may be shipped to the specified location.
Vessels of multi 一 purposes, with a variety of functions in accordance with different requirements for goods and facilities, can be divided into ships for carrying containers, overweight and super - long goods, for combination of the both and Ro - Ro cargoes.
The second type of liquid cargo ship mainly includes the tanker and gas carrier.
Oil tanker is specialized fbr transporting crude oil and refined oil, oil tanker's interior has been usually divided into several oil storage tanks. By means of special oil pump connected to the shore facilities, loading and unloading of goods can be realized.
Liquefied gas carrier is specialized for liquefied gas ship. According to the different postural gas, liquefied gas carrier can be further divided into liquefied natural gas carrier (LNG) and liquefied petroleum gas carrier ( LPG). LNC includes types with independent tanks and membrane according to different structures in the ships. LPG contains categories of pressure type, half pressure in low temperature and low temperature according to the method of gas liquefaction.
Types of Ship【悟空海运】