The Land Bridge Transport Routes【悟空海运】
The land bridge transport routes can be mainly described as the following five points:
1. Mini - Land Bridge
Mini 一 Land Bridge area can be roughly divided into America's east coast and the Gulf of Mexico.
Cargoes from Far East are shipping to the western Pacific Ocean ports in the United States. Then goods are transferred into railway to the eastern Atlantic ports or the southern Mexico ports, and delivered by trucks to cities. The entire process relies on only one marine bill, and the carrier pays for railway freight.
2. Micro - Land Bridge
It is shorter than mini - and bridge and using only parts of the land bridge, also called Semi - land Transport.
Firstly goods are shipped to Pacific ports, then are changed into railway container special trains and can be directly delivered to inland cities of United States. The micro - land bridge has developed quickly in recent years due to saving both time and cost.
3. Canada Land Bridge
It was opened in 1979, stretching from Vancouver to Montreal. Goods from Japan to Europe, can be shipped to Vancouver with containers, and then transferred to railway to Montreal, finally shipped to European ports.
4. Siberian Land bridge
It connects Pacific far east area with the Baltic Seathe Black Sea coast and Western Europe's Atlantic ports . The transport lines set out from the Russian Nakhodka port or the east port, through Eurasia, to Moscow and then are divided into three:
(1) Starting from Moscow to St Petersburg of the Baltic Sea and transshipping to western and northern European ports.
(2) Starting from Moscow to Russia's western border station, and arriving at European countries by their railways ( highways).
(3) Starting from Moscow to the Black Sea coast and transshipping to the Middle East, the Med-iterranean coast.
5. New Asia Europe Land Bridge
The New Asia Europe Land Bridge, 10837 一 mile 一 long, stretches from China Lianyungang and Rizhao in the east to Holland Rotterdam in the west .
Transportation of Far East and Southeast Asia sets out from China to the Middle East and western Europe by passing through the New Eurasian Land Bridge, after across the Alataw Pass there mainly are 6 routes:
(1) Passing through Alma - Ata of Kazakhstan, Tashkent of Uzbekistan to Ashkhabad and Kushka of Turkmenistan, then finally arriving at Iran and Afghanistan etc.
(2) Passing through Tselinograd of Kazakhstan, Orenburg of Russia to the Nuovo jarosik Harbour and Zhdanov Port of the Black Sea coast, then shipping to the Balkan region.
(3) Passing through Moscow to the Baltic Sea coast's Riga,Tallinn and Saint Petersburg Port, and then shipping to Germany, Holland, Britain, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Portugal etc.
(4) Passing through Moscow, Brest, the western frontier station of Belarus to Poland, Germany, France etc. by Europe railway or highway.
(5) Passing through Kzyl 一 orda of Kazakhstan, Volgograd of Russia, Kiev of Ukraine to Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Switzerland etc. by Kiev frontier station.
(6) Passing through Kiev of Ukraine to Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece etc.
The Land Bridge Transport Routes【悟空海运】