The Characteristics of Liner Transport【悟空海运】
1. The "four fixed characteristics : fixed shipping schedule, fixed shipping line, fixed ports to call and determinable freight.
2. ** One responsibility : The carrier takes the responsibility of loading and unloading. Shipping freight includes charges for loading and unloading at the port of destination, and cost for shipment to the port of destination as well as additional charges.
3. There is no particular transport contract between the liner's company and the consignors. The B/L functions as the basis for the liner's company and cargo owner in terms of rights, obligations and exemption from liability.
4. Goods to be accepted by the carriers are more flexible, regardless of the number and variety in case that the space is available, which is especially applicable for groceries and retail goods.
5. Typically delivery of goods can be done in dock warehouse, which is convenient to the cargo owner.
6. The ship types are similar in the same routes with a certain frequency, which can guarantee the goods' demand, supply and satisfy the market by avoiding least stock or too much availability of certain goods.
Parties to the liner shipping may involve in the client with the shipper/consignor, shipping company, shipping agent, non - vessel operation carrier ( NVOCC) , shipping agent and consignee.
The Characteristics of Liner Transport【悟空海运】